Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Niece Danica

She's Arrived Finally!!! It was a very long day yesterday of waiting and wondering if this baby would ever come out. My parents and I drove to St. George last thursday in hoping that Megan's baby would come well it got to tuesday and nothing and we had decided to head home if her appt tuesday morning led us to no hope, but thank goodness she was at a 4 and her doc said get to that hospital were having a baby. So we all got there and waited. Megan progressed very slowly but at least she was, everytime they came in they would say she had dialated one more centimeter. Well later in the day they told us that Megan had an arched pelvis and to deliver vaginally would be difficult but that they would do their best to try to get her to. So after she was all dialted and effaced we had to wait for a couple hours for the baby to squezze down the birth canal with each contraction. In the end Danica did it and arrived with some vacuuming help from the doctor @9:45 pm it had been a long day but we were so excited to have her here and so were her proud parents Megan and Shane. I'm so grateful for my sister she was so strong yesterday and did an awesome and flawless job delivering her first child and I 'm so grateful that she let me into the delivery room and it's an experience I will never forget. It was amazing!!!! I love her so much and always will!!! The baby is doing awesome and lets just say you definitely know who the daddy is she looks just like Shane. She's very cute and has a lot of dark hair that Megan is praying that it stays. She was 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19.5 inches long and the doc said if she had been any bigger she probably wouldn't of made it vaginally. I can't wait to go and hold Danica today but I thought I would let you all know that she is here and safe and that her parents are very proud and tired.

1 comment:

Kira said...

Yeah I'm so happy for Shane and Megan. Kids are great!