Brinley Elizabeth Kersey
5lbs 12oz
19.5 inches long
March 14, 2009
3:02 am
Well to let you all know if you already didn't. Brinley has arrived safe and sound a little early of course. She was actually born at 34 weeks and 3 days, so she was about 6 weeks early. But we are glad she is here and she is so cute!!!!
So this is what happened, on Firday night at midnight my water broke and Adam and I raced to Davis Hospital. My doctor showed up about 2hours later and did an ultrasound and said she was breech and that we were going to have to get her out and a c-section was our only answer to get her here safe. So Adam and had a little emotional moment together and I went in for the c-section. The C-Section went ok except for the fact I couldn't stop throwing up the whole time. Adam was there to support me and he did a good job. He also made the comment that he got to see a whole new side of me from Intestines, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder. She came out and she was so cute she weighed 5 lbs 12.4 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She was rushed to the NICU and she will be there for awhile. We really don't know how long she will be there, we have to take it day by day. I was released on Tuesday morning, and I seem to be doing ok with the circumstances. We get to see her only at certain times of the day. So Adam and I are trying to balance going to the hospital, kids, and getting our lifes back together. I'll keep you all updated on her progress and if she has any changes or gets to come home I'll let you all know.
Brinley with her eyes wide open
Brinley under the Jaundice Lights, with her cute glasses!!