Well it has been a long time since I blogged, my life has been so busy and just moving along so fast that I haven't really thought about blogging. So I thought I would take a minute to write a little note. Things are going great and we are very happy!!
Brooklyn is in Kindergarten and loves it, she loves to write out any word that she can and asks anyone that will tell her how to spell their name.
Braxton is doing well, he's in Pre-School and asks me everyday if he gets to go.
Brinley is very big and is very close to crawling, she eats all the time!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th Of July
Well hello all!! Things have been so much fun lately!! We have now lived in our new house for 1 month now and have seemed to adapt quite nicely, we have grown to love it out here in West Clinton. The backyard is my best friend, at least that is what I tell Adam. The kids love to go out there and jump and play in the pool all day!! I started back to work last month and I rather enjoy it. It's been good to get away!! We have been so busy too, with Brinley's blessing, Father's Day, my cousin's baby Leah's blessing, the Fourth of July, & Lagoon trips we've been going and going it seems!!! Laundry seems to pile up so fast also, but I've been doing ok with it. We've been having a great summer but I'm so excited and nervous for Brooklyn to start Kindergarten this fall and Braxton to start Pre-School. I can't believe how big they've gotten it boggles my mind that Brooklyn is old enough!! Well that's all the time I have for now, I'll do my best to blog more often!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Update, Update, Update

Braxton is doing quite well also, he has seemed to change in the last couple of months. He use to be so wild and out of control and so daring, now he is so hesitant and such a momma's boy and holds back on a lot of things that he use to not too!! He's such a little sweetheart!!! He got his tonsills taken out this last tuesday and seems to have a rough time, when he came out of the surgery he seemed to be doing so good I was amazed I knew it was to good to be true!! And it was he is still very sore and can't hardly talk and won't eat very much either. I know he'll make a full recovery it will just take him a little while!!

Adam and I are doing good!! He just started graveyards at the airport, deep cleaning airplanes for Skywest. He seems to like it!! I'm just glad he stills has a job and we have a steady income coming in and health benefits and flight benifits are pretty great too!! I've been on maternity leave since March and I am dreading going back to work June 1st. I would love to just stay home and be a stay at home mom, but with this economy and everything Adam and I just can't seem to swing it on one income right now, well have to see what the future holds for us!! I do love my job and the doctor I work for so at least I'm going back to a place that I like!!
Adam and I are doing good!! He just started graveyards at the airport, deep cleaning airplanes for Skywest. He seems to like it!! I'm just glad he stills has a job and we have a steady income coming in and health benefits and flight benifits are pretty great too!! I've been on maternity leave since March and I am dreading going back to work June 1st. I would love to just stay home and be a stay at home mom, but with this economy and everything Adam and I just can't seem to swing it on one income right now, well have to see what the future holds for us!! I do love my job and the doctor I work for so at least I'm going back to a place that I like!!
We are also moving at the end of this month from Riverdale to Clinton, my parents just bought a house and have asked us to move in with them to help with the mortgage. We are very excited about it, we will have a huge fenced in backyard for the kids to run and run!! We hope to catch up on alot of our finances and hope to maybe save a little too!!
I believe that is a good run down of our lives right now, I hope to do better on blogging but well see, my actions will have to speak louder than my words!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Braxton & Brinley

I know this is a short blog and I promise I will post another one later, but I had to post this picture. A couple mornings ago I was sleeping with Brinley and Braxton joined us, I caught this picture of them and I love it so much. I only got it with my phone so the quality is not the best but I did my best to fix it, it was so dark before!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Brinley Elizabeth Kersey
5lbs 12oz
19.5 inches long
March 14, 2009
3:02 am
Well to let you all know if you already didn't. Brinley has arrived safe and sound a little early of course. She was actually born at 34 weeks and 3 days, so she was about 6 weeks early. But we are glad she is here and she is so cute!!!!
So this is what happened, on Firday night at midnight my water broke and Adam and I raced to Davis Hospital. My doctor showed up about 2hours later and did an ultrasound and said she was breech and that we were going to have to get her out and a c-section was our only answer to get her here safe. So Adam and had a little emotional moment together and I went in for the c-section. The C-Section went ok except for the fact I couldn't stop throwing up the whole time. Adam was there to support me and he did a good job. He also made the comment that he got to see a whole new side of me from Intestines, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder. She came out and she was so cute she weighed 5 lbs 12.4 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She was rushed to the NICU and she will be there for awhile. We really don't know how long she will be there, we have to take it day by day. I was released on Tuesday morning, and I seem to be doing ok with the circumstances. We get to see her only at certain times of the day. So Adam and I are trying to balance going to the hospital, kids, and getting our lifes back together. I'll keep you all updated on her progress and if she has any changes or gets to come home I'll let you all know.
Brinley with her eyes wide open
Brinley under the Jaundice Lights, with her cute glasses!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
San Francisco
So Adam has flight benefits working at Skywest, so we decided we would go on a one day adventure to San Francisco. We had so much fun, our flight left at 8:30am and we got in San Fran an hour and a half later. We rode the underground subway to the Piers. That was a new adventure for me, the subway can be a little scary but we made it with no problems. We took a trolley to Pier 39 where all the shops and places to eat are. We ate Clam Chowder in a bread bowl, that Adam still talks about and says was the best ever and he wants to go back and have more. We walked to the pier and saw Alcatraz and we saw the famous seals at Pier 39, that are very noisy. We pretty much just hung out together and enjoyed each others company. Which was great and very romantic in a way to be somwhere with my husband. We also went to an aquarium and it was very interesting and fun. Adam even touched some fish, but I steer clear of that department. We got a flight back around 6:00 and we landed back in SLC around 8:30 which put us away exactly 12 hours. It was a fun and short trip I know we will always talk about it. We got home and were both very tired and crashed when we got home. Adam is already talking about where we will go next, but I have to remind him that it's going to have to wait until the baby is born and so I don't think we will have any crazy trips for awhile but I know that we will go on more for sure.

San Francisco
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wedding Photos
So these are our wedding pictures. We got them back on Sunday and are so happy with what was taken. We hope that you all like them.
Wedding Photos
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